masterlist of Celtic-language speculative fiction

I am slowly but surely collecting the titles of works of speculative fiction in the Celtic languages and it occurred to me that rather than keeping them all to myself on my computer it might be nice to make the list public. There are a few caveats/overall principles here:

This list is organized by language and, within a given language, divided into sections for novels, short fiction published in collections, short fiction published in periodicals, and then texts I suspect are speculative but haven’t yet been able to confirm (if you know for sure, please let me know!). In cases where I know the particular genre of the text (i.e., whether it’s sci-fi, fantasy, or what) I’ve included that information. Texts are organized by author’s name and then by title. Texts that appeared in a periodical and were subsequently published in a collection will be listed in both categories.

Please let me know if there are other texts you’re aware of that should be added to the list — in particular there are distressingly few works by women on these lists, but I doubt that Gaelic is unique in having a bunch of short fiction — if no novels to date — written by women.



Dis-moi si tu connais davantage de science-fiction ou de fantasy pour adultes en breton!


Cymraeg / Welsh


short fiction in collections

short fiction in periodicals

insufficient information

Gaeilge na hÉireann / Irish


I should not that some of these are, by word count, “not novels”, but they are things that were originally published as standalone volumes.


these texts are not necessarily exactly novels but also not necessarily exactly translations.

short fiction in collctions

short fiction in periodicals

insufficient information

for a number of these I know that they’re speculative, or that they’re collections that contain at least some speculative short fiction, but I either don’t have more detailed publishing information or don’t know which story or stories in the collection is/are speculative.

Gaelg Vannin / Manx


short stories in collections

insufficient information

Gàidhlig na h-Alba


short fiction in collections

short fiction in periodicals

insufficient information

Kernowek / Cornish

please tell me if you know of other original sci-fi (or any original fantasy) for adults in Cornish!


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